We are not a service provider, nor can we provide direct referrals to particular organisations. For more information on other organisations that can help you, visit this page:
System Improvement
To ensure all Tasmanians have access to the supports they need
Key Initiatives:
- Work with our partners to design and implement a service integration model for Tasmania
- Provide options to capture and progress system alignment and innovation to elevate the priority of investment in community-based services and supports
- Advocate for access to supports that promote and maintain recovery

MHCT works closely with our members and stakeholders to identify service gaps, issues and opportunities for collaboration and better coordination of services in the Tasmanian mental health system. We provide feedback directly to the Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Directorate (MHADD), Primary Health Tasmania (PHT) and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on these challenges and opportunities to assist in improving the mental health system for all Tasmanians.