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Wellbeing and Resilience Grant Program Application Form

  • General Information

  • Details for Electronic Funds Transfer (to be used if successful)
  • Your Activity or Event

  • Please provide the intended name of your training, activity or event. You can change this later if need be.
  • Please provide a brief description of your proposed training, activity or event (200 word limit)
  • Describe your training, activity or event objectives/goals and how you plan to achieve them (200 word limit)
  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • (If your event is planned to run over multiple days, please enter the end date)
    Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
  • If you intend to partner with other organisations for this training, activity or event, please provide the organisation’s name/s and outline their involvement (200 word limit)
  • How do you plan to promote your training, activity or event to ensure its success, including targeting community members not already engaged with or linked to the community? (100 word limit)
  • Describe how you plan to fit the proposed activity within the lower levels of response in the National Disaster and Wellbeing Framework (points 3.1.1 prevention and preparedness 3.1.3 support targeting communities and families), found on the Wellbeing and Resilience Grant Program webpage
  • Describe what actions you will put in place during the training, activity or event to safeguard the wellbeing of participants (e.g. use of safe and respectful language, access to emotional support)
  • Add more rows as required
    ItemCostFunding SourcePurpose 
  • You may upload additional supporting evidence, however this is optional only and is not considered part of the selection/assessment criteria.
    Drop files here or
  • Application Compliance and Checklist

    Please read and tick all boxes to show you understand and agree to these terms.
  • Will your training/activity/events be covered by Public Liability Insurance?
  • If yes, please upload your insurance cover
  • Submitting the Grant Application

    By submitting your application, your organisation is agreeing to the following terms:

    • Applications that are not authorised and submitted by a representative of their organisation will be deemed ineligible.
    • Applications which are not successful will be notified via email and can be contacted for further information upon request.
    • All applications will be assessed by a selection panel comprising of a representative from the Mental Health Council of Tasmania, Primary Health Tasmania and other appropriate community representatives.

    I agree to the above conditions of the application process and can assert that all information provided in this application is true and accurate at the time of submitting:
  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • *Please be advised that MHCT will include all grant applicants on the MHCT mailing list to receive updates and information on the Wellbeing and Resilience Grants