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Community Engagement
To increase understanding of the role everyone can play in good mental health and wellbeing in the Tasmanian community
Key Initiatives:
- Work with communities, our members and networks to raise awareness and better understanding of how to support each other and identify local need
- Deliver mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention awareness and promotion activities in communities across Tasmania
- Develop strategic partnerships within Tasmania to enable greater collaboration and community driven responses to local need

The Mental Health Council of Tasmania facilitates and supports mental health campaigns and activities that promote self-care, resilience, stigma reduction and general wellbeing. We want all Tasmanians to be equipped with the information, resources, and knowledge they need to help them stay mentally fit and healthy.
Tasmanian Mental Health & Wellbeing Literacy Project
The Mental Health Council of Tasmania have partnered with the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute to develop a whole-of-population mental health and wellbeing literacy campaign, which will help Tasmanians understand what good mental health looks like and how they can maintain it. The campaign will be based on a new approach focusing on promotion, prevention and early action to maintain mental wellness. We want to use communities’ strengths to engage their members in this campaign and to help decrease the stigma around mental health.
The project team have had a busy start to 2023, building relationships with stakeholders and doing environmental scans of existing services and any current mental health and wellbeing literacy initiatives in Tasmania, conducting focus groups and community meetings with the researchers during their Tasmanian visit in March, doing a literature review of mental health campaigns, researching partner organisation/community engagement and more.