We are not a service provider, nor can we provide direct referrals to particular organisations. For more information on other organisations that can help you, visit this page:
Get some help
Please note, the Mental Health Council of Tasmania is not a service provider, nor can we provide direct referrals to particular organisations.
Our role is as the peak body advocating for and representing the community-managed mental health sector in our state. Below are a range of support options.
If someone is in immediate danger call 000
Show "If someone is in immediate danger call 000"When someone is an immediate risk to themselves or others please call emergency services first.
If someone is experiencing a mental health crisis in Tasmania and require urgent assessment call 1800 332 388
Show "If someone is experiencing a mental health crisis in Tasmania and require urgent assessment call 1800 332 388"Access Mental Health is a 24/7 phoneline staffed by a mental health professional who will assess the person in crisis and refer them to the appropriate service they need.
If you are still unsure or need further information visit the Department of Health website for further details on calling the Helpline.
If someone is experiencing mental health concerns and need advice or information on referrals and other supports, visit your GP
Show "If someone is experiencing mental health concerns and need advice or information on referrals and other supports, visit your GP"- A good GP is the best place to start when you are concerned about your mental health or the mental health of others
- They can work with you to create a mental health plan and start the referral process to access a counselling service or other relevant services.
- Through the Better Access initiative you are able to access psychological services appropriate for your needs.
If someone just needs to talk, contact A Tasmanian Lifeline from 8am-8pm
Show "If someone just needs to talk, contact A Tasmanian Lifeline from 8am-8pm"A Tasmanian Lifeline is a telephone support service for Tasmanians of all ages who need someone to talk things through with, or just need someone to listen. Tasmanian-focused and Tasmanian based, A Tasmanian Lifeline offers non-judgmental, one-off or ongoing support for anyone having a tough time.
Call A Tasmanian Lifeline on 1800 98 44 34 from 8am-8pm every day of the year, or book a call back via the booking form on their website. You don’t have to go through a difficult situation alone.
If you would like to access other phone and online support services specific to who you are:
Crisis Support Helplines
Show "Crisis Support Helplines"Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
SANE Australia helpline
1800 18 SANE (7263) or www.sane.org
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Men’s Support
Show "Men’s Support"MensLine Australia: 1300 78 99 78
Eating Disorder Support
Show "Eating Disorder Support"Butterfly Foundation Support Line
1800 33 4673 or www.butterflyfoundation.org.au
LGBTIQ+ Support
Show "LGBTIQ+ Support"MindOUT
QLife line: 1800 184 527
Youth Support
Show "Youth Support"Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 (24/7 crisis support)
headspace: 1800 650 890
www.eheadspace.org.au (direct clinical services)
Veteran Support
Show "Veteran Support"Mates4Mates
Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service
1800 011 046
Attempted Suicide Postvention/Aftercare
Show "Attempted Suicide Postvention/Aftercare"Anglicare – Way Back Support Service
1800 243 232
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467